Glen Rock Ecotourism Assessment Report

Ecotourism is often used interchangeably with other terms such as nature-based tourism, sustainable tourism, green tourism, responsible tourism and soft tourism. In this report, “eco-tourism is nature-based tourism that involves education and interpretation of the natural environment and is managed to be ecologically sustainable”.

The rural history and use of Glen Rock has potential for rural tourism (ie a country experience) as described in the National Tourism Strategy. Rural activities on Glen Rock could include rural attractions, rural adventure tours, farm-stay and horse riding. There are indigenous and non-indigenous cultural values at Glen Rock which could contribute to the tourist experience. These activities could be considered cultural or heritage tourism.

For the purposes of the assessment of the tourism attributes of Glen Rock, eco-tourism includes rural and cultural tourism and some aspects of commercial outdoor and nature-based recreation. Ecotourism opportunities in Glen Rock are linked to tourism in the Gatton Shire, the World
Heritage Areas of the Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves (CERRA), the natural features of the property, the cultural heritage attributes of the property, the potential for outdoor recreation and the associated rural tourism of the Lockyer Valley.

This report documents a SWOT Analysis of tourism in Gatton Shire. Findings of the SWOT analysis, relevant to eco-tourism on Glen Rock, include:
1. Strengths:
o close proximity to the two major cities of Brisbane and Toowoomba;
o rural landscape;
o war memorials and Aboriginal drawings;
o lifestyle of locals;
o natural resources;
o rural as opposed to coastal tourism
o Lockyer Landcare Tours;
o strengths in the areas of cultural, environmental and heritage

2. Weaknesses:
o lack of promotion within and outside the Shire;
o coordination of, and the identification of, tourist businesses and events is nearly non-existent;
o nothing on the highway to draw tourists along the scenic route;
o lack of awareness of local people of tourist attractions available in the shire.

The report identifies Gatton as a tourist zone between the destinations of Brisbane and Toowoomba. The report concluded that the preparation of a Shire Tourism Strategy is a priority.



Geographic Coverage



Copyright Owner: State of Queensland


Queensland Department of Natural Resources: 2001
