Hobart Rivulet Park Strategic Master Plan 2011

The purpose of this project is to develop a Hobart Rivulet Park strategic master plan to guide the future development and management of the parkland and open space along the rivulet. The project considers the entirety of the rivulet but focuses primarily on the section of the Hobart Rivulet Park between Molle Street to the Wellington Park boundary. It also considers the links in open space and use to surrounding areas such as the city centre area, Knocklofty and West Hobart.
The preparation of the plan has involved extensive community consultation including meetings with key stakeholders, holding an experience workshop, a mail-out and web survey to landowners adjoining the Rivulet, an ‘open day’ and walks for the community, a survey of Hobart Rivulet Park users and contact was also made with individual landowners along the Hobart Rivulet where the master plan was considering the options for improving the connectivity of the open space and trail. The Hobart Rivulet Park is a diverse, layered landscape of natural processes intersecting with long human occupation by Tasmanian Aborigines and European settlers, historic land use patterns and on-going activity as part of the City’s daily life of work and play. As a landform and watercourse it connects the City to its Mountain both perceptually and physically. As a natural corridor the Rivulet is home to a range of plant and animal species – some remnants of earlier functioning native ecosystems, others more recently and purposefully introduced as part of European settlement of the area or invasive from elsewhere. For the residents of the City, the Hobart Rivulet Park, with its developed path network and open spaces, provides a functionality for commuting and space for recreation, all within a soft, naturalistic setting in contrast to the developed built landscape of the adjacent suburbs and the City centre. As a venue the Hobart Rivulet Park has provided a base for play, engagement, art, education, tourism, etc. where residents and visitors are able to access safe and enjoyable spaces. As a result, the Hobart Rivulet Park is highly valued by the community, with strong emotional attachments to it. Further, the community and Council share an aspiration for Hobart Rivulet Park to showcase sustainable living practices, encourage a healthy life-style and to effectively manage bushland and heritage values.