Infrastructure and Landscape Guidelines

The Infrastructure & Landscape Guidelines have been developed to assist Council Staff, developers, user groups and other land managers in the appropriate selection of open space infrastructure – furniture, fencing, signage etc – and methods/ styles of landscaping that may be applied to the various classes of open space within Maroondah. The Guidelines are the culmination of many years of research, trial and practices that have established benchmarks for many of the items and styles listed. The Guidelines also consider contemporary designs, materials & practices and will continue to evolve as products, technologies, methodologies and community expectations change over time. There are several guiding principles that underpin these Guidelines and are essential to the selection of appropriate designs irrespective of changes over time. These are: ~Ac^A-^Aa Functional Design – practical, safe, durable, accessible & aesthetic design ~Ac^A-^Aa Lifecycle Cost – the initial, operational & maintenance costs over the lifespan of the item ~Ac^A-^Aa Maintainability – ease and frequency of maintenance & ease of replacement ~Ac^A-^Aa Sustainability – minimise use of non-renewable resources, use recycled and recyclable materials, maximise product lifespan. Other factors to be considered when selecting products and designs/methods for inclusion in these Guidelines are: ~Ac^A-^Aa Past performance and recommendations ~Ac^A-^Aa Extent and history of previous use within Maroondah ~Ac^A-^Aa Availability of appropriate materials, colours & styles ~Ac^A-^Aa Local availability ~Ac^A-^Aa Changes in industry practices & regulations The development and production of these Guidelines is a cooperative process involving many Council departments, coordinated and maintained by the Open Space Unit within the Assets Department.