South East Queensland Inter-Urban Breaks – Draft Scoping Paper

Inter-urban breaks are a key regional landscape element of the Regional Landscape and Rural Production Area. Inter-urban breaks separate major urban areas and are dominated by rural and natural landscapes. The broad intent for inter-urban breaks is that they are managed as non-urban areas supporting activities that reinforce their natural assets and secure the rural character of South East Queensland. A consistent theme from community comment is to ensure the separation of major cities eg. Gold Coast to Brisbane and Brisbane to Sunshine Coast.

There is scope to recognise primary inter-urban breaks in the Regional Plan to ensure protection from future urban development. If inter-urban breaks are not clearly defined and identified in the Regional Plan, they may be lost. This is particularly relevant to potential inter-urban breaks within Investigation Areas.

This paper outlines the major issues related to the identification and management of inter-urban breaks in South East Queensland (SEQ) and options that ensure coordinated and effective protection and management of inter-urban breaks in SEQ. It also recommends developing a statutory policy direction for inter-urban breaks to be included in the final SEQ Regional Plan 2005.