The Generate Network is Parks & Leisure Australia’s (PLA) commitment to the development of our new professionals and emerging leaders. Driving our work is our purpose of connecting people to the industry, opportunities and each other!

The Generate Network is Parks & Leisure Australia’s (PLA) commitment to the development of our new professionals and emerging leaders. Our purpose is connecting people to the industry, opportunities and each other!
- We break down barriers and glass ceilings, removing limitations of hierarchy, geography, age and status to provide a network for up and coming new and young professionals in our industry to connect, learn and grow.
- We connect and engage people new to the industry and anyone looking for their next leap forward.
- We provide a platform for people to have a voice, to network and engage in professional development opportunities, and
- We have fun!
Like the glorious mullet, an iconic Australian commitment to bridge the gap between professional and fun, Parks & Leisure Australia are committed to the development of our new professionals and emerging leaders, but in engaging and fun ways! The PLA Generate Mentoring Program is an exciting new initiative, designed to provide a network for up and coming go-getters to connect, learn and grow in the parks and leisure industry

As does the mullet, the program combines professional and enjoyable, and is made up of four tiers. Each of the tiers seeks to facilitate strong mentorship by connecting Generate members with industry leaders.
Registrations for the mentoring program have now closed – the next round of applications will open in June 2024.
The Generate Network Committee comprises representatives from across Australia. It is wonderful to have such a passionate and diverse group of young professionals driving opportunities and outcomes for new professionals and emerging leaders in our industry.
The Generate Committee comprises up to 10 young professionals led by the Chair, and seeks to include representatives in every Parks & Leisure Australia region.
The Generate Committee is 50/50 male and female and is representative of a diverse range of sectors within our industry including; local and state government, planning consultants, engineers, leisure managers, open space planners and sports peak bodies.
Over the coming months the Generate Network Committee will focus on formalising our platforms, broadening our network and connecting people with events, opportunities and each other across Australia.
As we seek our next generation of Generate Network Australia Committee representatives through an Expression of Interest (EOI) over March and April 2024 – We look forward to launching into the next exciting phase of Generate with new passion and expertise on board.
To get involved or to express your interest in being the Generate Network Committee please contact Kristin Davies, President Parks and Leisure Australia and Generate Network Australia Chair via