Celebrating Excellence in Western Australia’s Parks and Leisure Industry: 2024 PLAWA Awards Announced
Perth, Western Australia – June 20, 2024 – The Parks and Leisure Australia Western Australia (PLAWA) Awards of Excellence for 2024 were announced on Thursday, June 20th, recognising the finest achievements in the parks and leisure industry. Hon Minister David Templeman and 200 guests celebrated the best places, people, planning, and projects in the parks and leisure industry that contribute to enhancing the quality of life and well-being in Western Australia.
The annual PLAWA Awards held at Ambrose Estate, was a gathering of industry leaders who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and passion for their work. Thanks to our platinum sponsor, Woodlands; our major sponsor, Development WA; and the Department of Local Government, Sport, and Cultural Industries. We also extend our gratitude to our category sponsors (listed below), our venue sponsor, Willplay, and our networking sponsors, Forpark and Playcheck. Their support enables PLAWA to highlight outstanding contributions and innovations that set benchmarks for excellence in the parks and leisure sector.
PLAWA President, Matt Lewis, commended all nominees and winners for their remarkable achievements and dedication. “The 2024 PLAWA Awards of Excellence not only recognise the hard work and innovative spirit of individuals and organisations but also inspire future generations to continue striving for excellence in creating vibrant, healthy, sustainable, and inclusive communities,” he said.
Photos from the night can be found through this link. Please credit PLAWA if using photo’s for media or announcements.
State winners progress to the national finals in October except the Volunteer of the Year Award which is a WA based only Award.

Community Based Initiative of the Year
Sponsored by Woodlands
Winner: Launching the WA Tree Festival
City of Stirling

Community Facility of the Year
Sponsored by Epcad
Winner: Craigie Leisure Centre Refurbishment
City of Joondalup

Community Facility of the Year
Sponsored by Epcad
Commendation: Baldivis Sports Complex
City of Rockingham

Best Use of Technology
Sponsored by Doggie Dunnies
Winner: Growing Utilisation of Community Facilities Whilst Reducing Administration
City of Cockburn & SpacetoCo

Best Regional/Rural Industry Contribution Award
Sponsored by Tredwell
Winner: Waroona Community Precinct

Environmental Stewardship of the Year Award
Sponsored by Green by Nature
Winner: Restoration in the Canning & Southern River Confluence
City of Gosnells

Strategic and Master Planning Award
Sponsored by Development WA
Winner: Community Infrastructure Plan 2023-2033
City of Stirling

Park of the Year
Sponsored by Active Discovery
Winner: The Oval, Subi East
Landscape Elements

Park of the Year
Sponsored by Active Discovery
Commendation: Alkimos Beach Foreshore & Bathers Park
Emerge Associates

Emerging Leader of the Year
Sponsored by Landscape Elements
Winner: Kylie Van Uden
City of Gosnells

Playspace Award (Under $500,000)
Sponsored by Plan E
Winner: Calista Bike Skills Track
City of Kwinana

Playspace Award (Over $500,000)
Sponsored by Art+ Play
Winner: Albany Youth Challenge Park
City of Albany