WA Local Networks

If you wish to explore your interests in the PLAWA networks, you should share your ideas and experiences and come along to one or more of your Regional Council meetings. For more information about how you could be more involved in the parks and leisure industry, please contact us via our Contact form or via plawa@parksleisure.com.au

Leisure Facilities Network - WA

The PLAWA Leisure Facilities Network works to identify key priorities, issues and opportunities for members delivering in leisure facilities and services in Western Australia. Working to cover both regional and metro leisure facilities to deliver benchmarking projects, relevant courses, networking opportunities and professional development.  This network is for Leisure, Sports, Fitness & Aquatic Centre managers, supervisors and officers.

The key priorities for the Leisure Facilities Network include;

1.Benchmarking – annual collection of data and industry reporting for the following : 

  • Group 1 Leisure and Aquatic facilities.
  • Sport and Fitness Facilities (without pools).
  • Social Value of Leisure Facilities.
  • Leisure Facility Fees and Charges

2.  Professional Development – to assist in the development and delivery of :

  • Leisure Facility Managers course
  • Online professional development (webinars)
  • Regional seminars and learning opportunities

3.  Networking Opportunities – to develop and assist in organisation of :

  • Technical talks and tours
  • Regional events

4.  Biannual State Conference – to take a lead role in content and presenters for :

  • Leisure Facility Managers stream
  • Leisure Facility conference breakfast

5.  Policy Development – to assist in the development of :

  • PLAWA Community Guidelines for Infrastructure.
  • State Government advocacy

Please contact via our Contact form or via plawa@parksleisure.com.au

Leisure & Recreation Planning Network - WA

The WA Leisure and Recreation Planning Network is inclusive of the planning, development, provision and use of community sport and recreation infrastructure.   This infrastructure includes (but is not limited to) public open space, sporting precincts and associated facilities such as clubrooms, aquatic and multipurpose facilities, specialised facilities (e.g. golf courses), hard courts, skate and BMX, trail development and playgrounds.  The network looks to share best planning practice, showcase best practice in design and provision and review and advocate for policy reform.  The Network will look to develop alliances and partnerships to positively influence the development of local and state agendas in the community sport and recreation and public open space realm.

Key priorities for the group include;
  1. Maintain and promote Community Facility Guidelines 
  2. Continue partnership and funding of website and app for CFG mapping tool; and investigation of public ‘find me’ app
  3. Delivery of Recreation Strategic Planning Guide
  4. Development and delivery of Leisure and Recreation planning course
  5. Shared use models to optimise overall provision
  6. Best practise case studies and technical tours – playspaces, sports precincts and shared use

Please contact via our Contact form or via plawa@parksleisure.com.au

Parks and Streetscape Network - WA

The Parks and Environment Network works to identify key issues and solutions for those who work in the parks, local environment and streetscapes areas. The network invites researchers, authorities and practitioners to share their knowledge and experiences to build strength in our planning, practice and skill.  The Parks and Environment Network primarily includes parks and environment managers, technical and operational staff; landscape architects, arborists, sportsground managers, park equipment providers and service providers; those working in local or state government or services to those entities.  We identify, prioritise and facilitate activities for our industry area by preparing an annual programme of activities, including case studies, seminars, workshops, webinars, news items, recent research, advocacy and policy submissions.

Key priorities for our network are:
  • Public open space and public realm planning, design, development and maintenance
  • Public open space and public realm provision and use policy
  • Water resources and efficiencies of use
  • Priority pests, weeds and diseases
  • Integrated pest management and chemical use in the public realm
  • Turf nutrient science
  • Play, youth and dog spaces
  • Trail and pump track development and management
  • Regional WA outreach
  • Technical and operational skill development
  • Leadership skill development
  • Sharing of technical documents and templates
  • Park and environment industry benchmarking

We also continue to:

  • Oversee the Parks and Environment stream of the PLAWA Region Conference
  • Support and contribute to committees of PLAWA, such as Perth Metropolitan Parks Managers
  • Participate in and provide advice to state government committees, e.g. DPLH Neighbourhood Design policy
  • Participate in and provide advice to industry groups, e.g. Greenspace Alliance and Naturelink Perth
  • Contribute to the development and review of the CFG and PACFA projects
  • Advocacy statements (mainly to State Government) and submissions on State Government policy and other initiatives
  • Seek out initiatives, evidence and case studies to share with our peers.

Please contact via our Contact form or via plawa@parksleisure.com.au

Events Network - WA

The Events network is aimed at local government, community, club (sport and recreation) & commercial event management staff as well as event holders looking to undertake event planning and delivery.  The growth of community and sporting events run in local governments (both internally and by external providers) has increased significantly over the last 5 years. The diversity of event activities, locations & audiences provides an opportunity for the group to share resources, ideas and learnings. The objectives focus on training, development and providing a platform to share knowledge.

The key priorities for the group include;
  1. Event risk management training
  2. Update of the Event Application Guide for use by event organisers and LGAs
  3. Event management training
  4. Training for regional event organisers and LGAs
  5. International Crowd Safety Course
  6. Sharing best practise and case studies.
  7. Developing resources to aid event organisers

Please contact via our Contact form or via plawa@parksleisure.com.au

Metropolitan Area Recreation Advisory Group (WA)

Metropolitan Area Recreation Advisory Group (MARAG) was created in July 2019, is comprised of sport and recreation employees from local government authorities situated in the Perth metropolitan area; and associated representatives from the Department of Local Government, Sport & Cultural Industries; Parks and Leisure Australia (WA Branch); Western Australia Local Government Association; Western Australian Sports Federation; and the university sector.
The aim of MARAG is to provide leadership, coordination, advocacy and strategic direction for metropolitan sport and recreation facilities, programs, services and projects. The group will work together to identify and address current and emerging sport and recreation issues and opportunities within the metropolitan area.
Local government provides a significant amount of resources to support the delivery of sport and recreation within the community, such as: provision of sporting facilities; parks and reserves; leisure programming; funding assistance; club development; and professional development and training opportunities. It is essential that the local government sector, through advisory groups like MARAG, work together with the state government and other key partners like PLA (WA), WALGA, SPORTS WEST and local universities to achieve effective sport and recreation outcomes for the community. The ultimate aim is to optimise participation in sport and recreation to enhance physical and mental well-being of the community.

The key objectives for the group are;
  1. To maintain an effective communication network between member organisations regarding sport and recreation issues impacting on the metropolitan area.
  2. To provide effective coordination and delivery of diverse recreational participation opportunities.
  3. To share information and initiatives, where appropriate, with the aim of reducing duplication of effort and fostering consistency across the metropolitan area.
  4. To assist with sport and recreation strategic planning across the metropolitan area.
  5. To identify and address relevant sport and recreation issues and opportunities within the metropolitan area.
  6. To identify relevant professional development and training needs relating to sport and recreation.
  7. To optimise funding for metropolitan sport and recreation facilities from State and Federal Governments.
  8. To undertake any other sport and recreation project that the membership decides is relevant.

Please contact via our Contact form or via plawa@parksleisure.com.au or MARAG Chairperson-David Bruce via dbruce@gosnells.wa.gov.au or 0407 385 933


Our members are ‘the people behind the places’ who work across policy, planning and the provision of assets, services, facilities, programs, and research in the parks and leisure sector. Find out how you can join us and access PLA member benefits today.