The playground industry around Australia is currently facing a significant challenge related to insurance. Several insurance companies are now declining coverage for the playground sector, and those who do renew are imposing substantially higher premiums. This situation will inevitably result in various follow-on repercussions. Aside from the burden of increasing costs being passed on, it will become difficult for new suppliers, contractors, and auditors to enter the market in the future. Play Australia is currently working with Coverforce Insurance Brokers in an effort to create a playground industry insurance scheme. PLA supports any initiative aimed at safeguarding our members. This proposal covers playground manufacturers, suppliers, installation contractors, and auditors. Recognising that many contractors may not be members of PLA or Play Australia, we kindly request manufacturers and suppliers to forward this information to their contractors. A short online survey has been created for industry organisations to enable Coverforce to collate sufficient industry data to go to the marketplace with a proposal. Many companies have already responded to this survey, but the more potential participants Coverforce can include, the stronger the chances of seeing this come to fruition. The proposal is currently under development, making it crucial for any interested parties to complete this survey within the next week. Parks & Leisure Australia is committed to bringing you the latest industry news and initiatives. Stay tuned for updates on how we’re working to support and strengthen our community. Thank you for your active participation and commitment to the well-being of our industry. |