A guide for Councils participating in Parks Alive!

Parks Alive! is a program of arts, cultural, learning, health, recreation and environmental activities in Council-managed neighbourhood parks and reserves. The Parks Alive! program aims to promote community engagement, well-being and the role of Councils in local parks and reserves through the coordination of a large number of small to medium-sized events and activities. Activities which invite people to use their own local park or reserve are encouraged, rather than large Council-organised events or festivals. The focus is on neighbourhood events, picnics, BBQs, ‘park parties’, games or other activities organised collaboratively with local community and resident groups. Councils can develop their own events/ activities, and determine their number, size, nature and location. However, each Parks Alive! event/activity, Council-run or not, will benefit from State-wide publicity and marketing. The beauty of the Parks Alive! model is that it is possible for Councils to participate without committing any additional budget or resources by programming existing events/ activities to coincide with this date. Neighbourhood development through support for diverse and inclusive cultural activity is also increasingly understood as a legitimate and valuable Council role. Many older residents remember with nostalgia ‘bandstand’ concerts that at one time were held in parks. Local people also want to see their neighbourhood parks and reserves used more actively in ways that support people to come together, enjoy themselves and feel part of a connected community. Working on a Parks Alive! project supports community groups in developing their skills and confidence, as well as helping build a good relationship with their local Council