Bayside Open Space Strategy and Bayside Open Space Strategy: Suburb Analysis and Action Plan

The Bayside Open Space Strategy has been prepared by the City of Bayside with a high level of community input over the last three years. It is a 20-year planning document to provide policy and strategy to enable Council to make decisions about how open space is used, developed, managed and maintained across the municipality. It is guided by and supports Council–Ys high level planning documents including the Bayside 2020 Community Plan, the Bayside Council Plan, the Municipal Strategic Statement and the Health and Wellbeing Plan. It provides the context for and links with a range of other current or proposed strategic documents including the Housing Strategy, Integrated Transport Strategy, the Recreation Strategy, the Asset Management Policy and individual park masterplans. At a broader level, the Bayside Open Space Strategy has been written in the context of a range of State and Federal policy documents and initiatives that guide the use of land and open space including the Victoria Planning Provisions, Melbourne 2030, Melbourne @ 5 million, the Victorian Coastal Strategy 2008, Healthy Parks Healthy People, Linking People and Spaces and Living Links.
The Bayside Open Space Strategy: Suburb Analysis and Action Plan is the accompanying document to the Bayside Open Space Strategy (April 2012). It provides details as to how the principles, policies and actions developed in the
Bayside Open Space Strategy (April 2012) will be applied at a local level. The document looks in detail at each suburb in Bayside, addressing the current provision of open space in the suburb, the current community living in the suburb and the potential impacts of future population and development change within the suburb on open space. It provides priority actions to improve the open space network within each suburb.