Bayside Sportsground Pavilion Improvement Plan

The review of Bayside Sportsground Pavilion Improvement Plan 2013 (SPIP) was undertaken to ensure that the SPIP is addressing the intent of the plan to deliver fit for purpose and fiscally responsible sports infrastructure. The review has been informed through consultation with key stakeholders, State Sporting Associations, Local Government Authorities, analysis of club membership data, review of infrastructure audits, and cost trends associated with completed pavilions.
The way community sport is programmed and delivered has significantly changed since the adoption of the SPIP in 2013, with Council required to adapt to these changes, specifically to address the rising numbers of female players making the delivery of gender neutral facilities more critical. Benchmarking against other Local Government Authorities and State Sporting Associations, identified that Council’s facility standards closely align with the preferred standards of the major codes, AFL, Soccer and Cricket, with the most significant variation in the provision of community space. It was also identified that while female participation is a new challenge for AFL clubs, Associations and Council, additional changerooms to cater for this growth are not required, with changes to game day management and fixturing assisting to
manage this growth. Changes in building codes and regulations have impacted on the costs to deliver the SPIP, specifically in the areas of electrical, fire, water and gas service upgrades, Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and Environmental Health Regulations including kitchen layout and grease traps. It was determined that some recommendations and standards of the 2013 SPIP were no longer appropriate to facilitate community sport and omissions from the facility standards were evident. When considering a home ground pavilion it is recommended an additional 130m2 footprint in an AFL pavilion and 117m2 in other sports pavilions. This results in an additional financial commitment of $15,342,398 to the figures estimated in 2013. To validate the additional expenditure changes to the way sports clubs access and utilise sports pavilions are recommended. Removing perceived club ownership and entitlement to enter the facility during non-allocated hours allow greater community access to the pavilion during the hours of 6am – 4pm.



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Bayside City Council : 2019