The Urban Masterplan provides a vision and direction for the future development of Walkerville over the next 30 to 50 years. It explores a range of opportunities, directions and options that aim to reinforce, reinvigorate and regenerate the town’s urban fabric, creating an attractive and vibrant environment for the community of Walkerville. Importantly, the Urban Masterplan will guide the community, stakeholders and Council in relation to future planning, resourcing and allocate capital funds to achieve the strategic development of the town. In this way, actions can be undertaken in a coordinated and well planned manner which will ensure that the overall vision for Walkerville is achieved. The Urban Masterplan combines analysis of the social, cultural, environmental and demographic factors that constitute the character of the township, as well as external trends and influences. By analysing the urban context, specific recommendations can be made in relation to strategic directions, future works and asset renewal. Through an understanding of the ‘site’, a true appreciation of Walkerville can be gained, leading to innovative, imaginative and collaborative outcomes. This expansive assessment and planning approach allows an informed plan for the Township of Walkerville to be created.
The development of progressive structure plans and proposals for new civic and community facilities provide an over-arching focus for the town that will inform planning policies and development proposals in the future. The Urban Masterplan gives Walkerville a robust structure with interrelated proposals that deliver the objectives of the report.