The UK has seen the most deaths to COVID-19 in Europe, and London has suffered particularly. Parks have provided a vital outlet for Londoners but that has not been without its challenges – particularly as there over 30 separate Park authorities. One factor that helped was setting up of a strategic Parks group that shared information and collaborated together, including writing an open letter to Londoners. In this session will hear from the key members of that group, as they set out the challenges they faced, individually and collectively, how they responded and what they plan to do to aid recovery.
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Presenters: Mark Camley, London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC), .
Mark joined London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) in January 2012, and led the successful re-opening of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, the largest new urban park in the UK for over a hundred years. He led the design of the South Park and directed the opening and operation of the Park and Venues, including the London Aquatics Centre, the Arcelor
Mittal Orbit, and the Copper Box Arena. The Park achieved Green Flag a year earlier than planned and has had over 30 million visitors since it opened..
Andrew Scattergood, CE The Royal Parks. Andrew Scattergood has been Chief Executive of The Royal Parks since June 2015. He led on the project to create the Royal Park’s Charity to run the parks from 2017. As part of this role he is also a Commissioner of the Crown Estates Paving Commission, and a member of the Exhibition Road Cultural Group, Film London Executive Task Force and GLA Sports Stakeholder forum. Previously he held roles at Ofcom, Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the Foreign Office. He worked on the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics for 10 years. Earlier in his career he was Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport.
Colin Buttery, Diorecxtor Open Spaces, City of London. Colin has been director of Open Spaces at the City of London since February 2017. He is responsible for the City’s land holding of over 4,500 hectares of public accessible land including Epping Forest, Burnham Beeches, The Kent and Surrey Commons, Hampstead Heath and West Ham Park. His responsibilities also include Heritage assets including Tower Bridge, The Monument, Keats House museum and the City of London Cemetery and Crematorium in East London. Prior to joining the City of London Colin was the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Parks for The Royal Parks for over 12 years and has been involved in conservation land management for over 30 years.
Scattergood, Andrew (Author); Buttery, Colin (Author); Camley, Mark (Author)
Parks & Leisure Australia: 2020
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