This strategy provides Council with a framework for the provision of its play spaces across the municipality. The Strategy addresses how we provide, improve and manage our play spaces now and into the future – and to ensure play environments continue to be a highly valued local government service delivered to our community. The Whitehorse Play Space Strategy 2011 is a strategic document that considers trends in the provision of play spaces, guidelines, current standards and changes in the City of Whitehorse. Of note has been the international trend away from a dependence on modular play equipment and towards spaces which incorporate play in a more natural environment, and use of the term ‘play space’ rather than ‘playground’. This broader context is particularly relevant to Whitehorse where the community highly values its environment and where there are significant areas of bushland and linear parks that enhance play opportunities. Traditional equipment such as swings and slides are still important. Whitehorse has a high number of play spaces at the local level, with an average of 2.6 play spaces per square kilometre. By comparison, neighbouring councils average from 1.2 – 2.0 per square kilometre.