Jointly prepared by Wyndham City Council (Lead Partner), Brimbank City Council, Hobsons Bay City Council, Maribyrnong City Council, Melbourne City Council, Melton City Council, Moonee Valley City Council and Women’s Health West, the Women’s Participation in Sport and Active Recreation In Melbourne’s West: Action Plan for Change (“the Action Plan”) provides strategic direction to partners on challenging the gendered barriers to women’s participation in sport and active recreation. The Action Plan provides evidence based, strategic direction to project partners in Melbourne’s west to support the planning, development, and implementation of women and girls’ improved participation in sport and active recreation. It identifies 48 actions that partners will focus on to change the way in which women and girls access, participate and experience sport and active recreation. This Action Plan identifies primary prevention initiatives at a regional scale using the social ecological model, which address issues of gender inequity in systems, communities and individuals.