Be Prepared! Sport and Active Recreation Programs for People with a Disability: A Resource Kit for Volunteers and Staff

The Victorian Government is committed to providing opportunities for Victorians of all abilities to be more active, more often. That’s why we are proud to support the sport and active recreation sector in the development of the Be Prepared! Sport and Active Recreation Programs for People with a Disability, A Resource Kit for Volunteers and Staff. The kit and supporting website are essential resources for volunteers and staff assisting people with a disability who are keen to get involved in sport and active recreation. From safety tips on how to provide inclusive and enjoyable experiences to strategies for people with a disability to reach their full potential in sport and recreation, this resource is a one-stop-shop. Training is essential if our volunteers and staff are to be confident and competent in providing assistance to people with disabilities in sport and recreation environments. This resource kit will go a long way to helping develop essential skills that in turn will achieve great results.