Yarriambiack Shire recognises the value of sport and recreation to the local community. Yarriambiack Shire recognises that the sport and recreation landscape is constantly changing and that in order to be successful and sustainable, Council, its partners, clubs and organisations need to be informed, skilled, proactive and innovative. Issues such as droughts and floods have had a major impact on sports grounds in recent years, but have also offered opportunities to be more innovative about the way in which water is used and created opportunities for new facility developments. A vision and a set of planning principles have been developed to guide Yarriambiack Shire in terms of sport and recreation provision over the next five years. These are as follows: The Shire is an active, healthy and inclusive community supported by strong community clubs and a diversity of programs and accessible facilities. To help achieve the vision of a healthy, active community supported by strong community clubs and a diversity of programs and accessible facilities, a series of planning principles have been developed. These planning principles will guide the Shire and the community when considering implementing new initiatives or facilities or when considering upgrades to facilities. Wherever possible, any sport and recreation initiatives undertaken by Yarriambiack Shire and its partners aim to adhere to the following principles: designed to meet demonstrated community need; accessible for people of all abilities; inclusive and welcoming; sustainable; multi-purpose in design; able to offer a diversity of opportunities; cost effective; designed to enhance and protect the natural and environment and cultural and heritage values; designed to reflect the unique nature of the Shire. The five key priority areas of the Strategy are: participation; facilities; club development; support from Yarriambiack Shire; and collaboration with key stakeholders.