Central Goldfields Shire is well endowed with a range of sport and recreation opportunities and events. Its facilities are the envy of many neighbouring municipalities and its events attract participants from all over the state and beyond. One of the main aims of this Recreation Strategy is to develop a plan to encourage increased participation in sport and active recreation participation by local residents. Council recognises that participation in physical activities not only provides individual benefits such as improved health and wellbeing, but also facilitates community benefits such as stronger community bonds and social cohesion. Council also recognises that it is only one of several providers of physical activity opportunities and that the development of strategic partnerships is likely to deliver the best outcomes for the community. Given that the population of the Shire is not expected to increase to any great extent over the next decade, and given that the population is ageing, it is unlikely that a substantial number of new facilities will be required in the immediate future. What is important to provide, however, are multi purpose spaces which are able to cater for a variety of uses and also facilities which will meet the needs of the ageing community. Hence a second aim of this strategy is not so strongly focused on identifying new facilities that are required, but rather, identifying strategies that will encourage greater use of existing facilities. Greater use of facilities is usually dependant upon increases in participation; modifications / upgrades to existing facilities to cater for people of all abilities, ages and genders; training and support to clubs; promotion of existing opportunities; and translation of sport and recreation trends into actions. Council recognises and greatly values the role clubs and organisations play in terms of providing sport and recreation opportunities within the Shire. Analysis of the information gathered during the preparation of this Recreation Strategy shows that the major area in which the “Shire” needs to improve in relation to sport and recreation provision is in the development of a strategic framework to guide decision making. Many decisions and operational procedures are based on practices that existed prior to local government amalgamations, rather than on clear and transparent processes aimed to ensure equity across the municipality. A number of policies have been identified in this plan to assist with this process.