Central Goldfields Shire Walking and Cycling Strategy 2017 – 2026

The aim of the Central Goldfields Shire Walking and Cycling Strategy is to provide a strategic framework to guide Council in relation to walking and cycling opportunities such as paths / trails, infrastructure, events, programs and services for the next ten years. Council is keen for the existing walking and cycling infrastructure within the municipality to be better utilised and also keen for participation rates in walking and cycling to increase. Such an increase in usage not only creates better use of existing infrastructure, but has the potential to have a profound impact on the health and wellbeing of the community. When a network of safe, quality, linked paths and trails is created, supported by suitable programs, events and services, there is a much greater potential for local residents to utilise active transport to key destinations such as schools, work, sport and recreation facilities and shopping precincts or to enjoy recreational walking and cycling for fitness. The aim of this strategy is to ensure that the Central Goldfields Shire is best positioned to create a walking and cycling friendly community,