City of Burnside Open Space Strategy Open Space Strategy Volume 2 – Background Report

The City of Burnside Open Space Strategy has been developed to guide the future provision, enhancement and management of open space and related recreation and sport facilities in the City of Burnside. The City of Burnside has a relatively good provision of open space and a number of high quality and distinctive parks and reserves. However, there is potential for improvement and a strategy is required to guide future directions and priorities. The Open Space Strategy will provide strategic directions as well as specific actions and recommended works. This includes directions for strengthening the quality and value of open space and establishing partnerships with the community and other stakeholders. The Strategy includes three components as follows: Volume 1 – The Strategy, Volume 2 – Background to the Strategy; and Volume 3 – The Open Space Matrix (each of which are separately included in the PaRC library).
This Background to the Strategy (Volume 2 of the Open Space Strategy) summarises the key findings of the study and in particular outlines the issues and opportunities relating to open space and recreation and sport facilities in the City of Burnside. Volume 2 aims to provide an understanding of: ^aEURc The character and expectations of The People living in the City of Burnside; ^aEURc The character of the City of Burnside and its open space (The Place); ^aEURc Directions previously identified through Council’s 2020 Strategic Planning Process ^aEURc The key findings and opportunities relating to open space and recreation and sport facilities (including The People and The Place findings). The main emphasis of Volume 2 is to present the findings and opportunities as background information. The findings and opportunities provide the basis of the strategies and actions in Volume 1 of the Open Space Strategy.