City of Burnside Sport and Recreation Strategy 2013/23 Part A – Strategy Development and Implementation Plan; Part B – Background Study and Part C – Attachments

The City of Burnside is committed to providing fit for purpose sport and recreation facilities to deliver its strategic community plan desired outcomes. Council acknowledges that participation in community sport and recreation activities are fundamental to our residents’ social well-being and not only provide enjoyment but produce health, physical, mental, social and economic benefits for our community. Our residents desire access to a comprehensive range of sport and recreation opportunities, which will in turn assist them to fulfil their potential and realise their physical, social, mental, and spiritual goals regardless of socioeconomic status, race, age, gender or ability. Over the last ten years, common trends in recreation participation have seen demands for more social, casual and non-competitive forms of participation, increasing demand for junior sport and more demand for evening participation opportunities. With lifestyle commitments becoming even more time demanding, our community is looking to take part in unorganised, non-weekend activities and this has seen an increasing demand for casual and unorganised individual activities, with schools providing much of the structured sport for children and young adults. Our community still recognises the importance of organised sports activities and club memberships, which traditionally are provided for through community owned assets. Recognition of the changing trends in community recreation behaviour, an aging population and limited population growth, warrants the review of the current state of our sport and recreation facilities and levels of service provision.
The purpose of the Sport and Recreation Strategy is to ensure that the City of Burnside sport and recreation services and supporting resources are able to meet the minimum needs of our community, in a socially, environmentally and financially sustainable and responsible manner. The Strategy will allow Council to plan for future service provision, as well as be able to consider opportunities as they arise in a strategic, regional and holistic manner. The City of Burnside “Be the Future of Burnside – Our Strategic Community Plan 2012-2025” sets out a desired outcome for sport and recreation services in the City. This desired outcome is to deliver a range of fit for purpose sport and recreational opportunities and facilities that foster healthy lifestyle pursuits. Council’s approach to deliver this desired outcome is to: 1. Ensure public spaces meet the future needs of our community and provide for a variety of vibrant and inspirational opportunities, encouraging participation by the community; and 2. Create and facilitate access to diverse sustainable leisure, recreation and sporting facilities and programs that are safe for people of all ages and abilities.
To support the delivery of this desired outcome, four strategic objectives have been developed to help guide the development of recommendations of the City of Burnside Sport and Recreation Strategy. These are that Council, through its service delivery, will aim to: 1. Provide fit for purpose and well managed facilities; 2. Enhance urban character, amenity and environment; 3. Increase community awareness, involvement and inclusion; and 4. Provide diverse, innovative and sustainable programs.
To support these eight guiding principles have been used to direct the development of appropriate actions arising from the strategic objectives. These are to: 1. Provide a diverse range of accessible open space settings and active and passive recreation facilities and opportunities; 2. Provide safe and supportive environments for participants; 3. Promote and support opportunities for multi-use and shared usage opportunities in order to maximise participation; 4. Provide an equitable provision of facilities having due regard to age, gender, skill level, cultural background and ability; 5. Promote design excellence and flexibility to enhance sites and permit adaption to possible long term changes in community needs; 6. Implement an effective and planned approach for the delivery and maintenance of fit for purpose sport and recreation facilities and services; 7. Encourage and facilitate community participation in sport and recreation activities in recognition of the health, well-being and social benefits that they provide; and 8. Adopt a collaborative approach to working with the community, government agencies and the private sector to form appropriate partnerships that facilitate the provision of sport and recreation facilities for the Burnside community.