City of Mitcham Sports Facilities Strategy

The Sports Facilities Strategy provides a strategic direction for Council’s 26 outdoor sporting facilities including 11 sports complexes and 15 other sports facilities. In addition, it confirms Council’s continued commitment to the Blackwood Community Recreation Centre. The Strategy is based on a review of each sports complex and sports facility in the City of Mitcham (supply), taking sport and community needs (demand) into consideration. The Strategy includes: Background Information, A Vision, Guiding Principles, Overriding Directions, Key Strategies and Directions for Specific Facilities.
The Sports Facilities Strategy will assist the City of Mitcham to adopt a coordinated approach that is aligned to asset management to developing and managing sports complexes and sporting facilities. The Vision for City of Mitcham sports facilities is as follows: “An equitable spread of quality and functional sports complexes and sports facilities that meet diverse sport, recreation and community needs, based on a planned approach to asset management.” Eight guiding principles have been developed to provide a further framework for the Strategy. The principles relate to: 1. Equitable provision and distribution of facilities 2. Flexible, safe and accessible use (for sports and the broad community) 3. Supporting diverse sports and needs 4. A hierarchy and service level approach 5. Quality ‘fit for purpose’ facilities 6. Shared-use and multi-use 7. Coordinated management and sustainable practices 8. Partnerships and resource opportunities
The Overriding Directions have been developed for each main type of sports facility – Sports Complexes, Outdoor Court Facilities, Other Outdoor Sports Facilities and Indoor Sport and Recreation