The City of Port Adelaide Enfield is a diverse, vibrant and historically significant urban municipality. This City of Port Adelaide Enfield: Local Area Bicycle Plan 2014/15-2019/20 seeks to build upon the unique aspects of the Council and provide an integrated and sustainable transport system that will improve cyclist safety, increase the number of cyclists, connect communities and raise the status of cycling as an enjoyable, respected and legitimate form of transport. A critical component in the development of this Plan was to undertake a robust review of the existing Port Adelaide Enfield Bicycle Plan 2008-2012. The existing cycling facilities and routes form the basis of this updated 2014/15-2019/20 Bicycle Plan, however over the past decade innovation in planning and design for cycling has evolved, and simultaneously, the volume and type of people cycling has also seen a shift. It is therefore important to develop a new strategic local area cycling plan that acknowledges, incorporates and builds on all of these factors.
This Local Area Bicycle Plan 2014/15-2019/20 sets a framework and direction for the continued development of cycling facilities in line with the City and Corporate Plans by focusing on establishing a unique hierarchy of routes for Port Adelaide Enfield that accommodates cyclists of all abilities and confidence levels, creating better east-west connections across the Council area, and continued development of Outer Harbor and Gawler Greenway routes. An important aspect of the City of Port Adelaide Enfield: Local Area Bicycle Plan 2014/15-2019/20 is to define the cycling network: defining the route type and locations assists Council to focus development and funding efforts, and assists cyclist route selection though a coherent bicycle network. The route types identified in this plan include: ^aEURc Key Metropolitan Routes: Greenways and Secondary Roads ^aEURc Key Metropolitan Routes: Main Roads (DPTI Roads) ^aEURc Key Neighbourhood / Local Links (to Schools, Shops, parks, etc.) ^aEURc Fine-Grained Cycling Network (e.g. safe road crossings, ramps to access paths, footpaths around schools) ^aEURc Streets for People (balanced street network, speeds below 40km/h, low-moderate traffic volumes). As well as network development and infrastructure provision, it is essential to deliver programs for travel behaviour change, cycling promotion and education to develop a cycling culture and facilitate cyclist-to-council communication strategies. The City of Port Adelaide Enfield: Local Area Bicycle Plan 2014/15-2019/20 is also intended to be a ‘working’ document which is reviewed and updated every 5 years to ensure that the strategies and networks are relevant and up-to-date.