Cycling and Walking Strategy 2016

Brimbank City Council adopted the Cycling and Walking Strategy (Strategy) in 2008 with the aim of making cycling and walking more attractive throughout the municipality. The Strategy laid out a framework for a well-integrated strategic infrastructure network that has guided Council thus far in transforming the cycling and walking environment in Brimbank. Since the adoption of the Strategy, Council has constructed around 20km of off-road trails, and around 21km of on-road cycle routes as well as many cycle related improvements, such as, directional way finding signage at a cost of around $11m. The initial implementation of the Strategy focussed on connecting our creek network via recreational trails. The community has benefitted from this approach with cycling and walking participation constantly on the increase as evident from the ‘Super Tuesday’ bike counts. These routes have opened up nature based journeys alongside creeks, gullies and reserves that were once inaccessible to the public. It’s been eight (8) years since the adoption of the Strategy and a lot of exciting new changes have occurred in Brimbank during this time. Such changes include Plan Melbourne’s recognition of an emerging National Employment Cluster (NEC) in Sunshine and St Albans town centres. The urban transformation this will bring, presents Council with a fresh new opportunity to influence the future of the cycling and walking amongst these growth areas and more regionally. Transport emissions now account for 18% of our community’s greenhouse emissions. This updated Strategy will be instrumental in enabling residents and visitors to choose more sustainable, healthier modes of travel and increase the liveability of our City. The
Strategy contributes to achieving Council’s vision for “a City that is adaptive and resilient to changes in short and long term climatic conditions” (Brimbank Greenhouse Reduction Strategy 2013-2023).