Dandenong Park Regional Leisure Precinct Master Plan

The Dandenong Park Regional Leisure Precinct Master Plan has been commissioned by the City of Greater Dandenong (and jointly funded by Sport & Recreation Victoria ) to establish a vision for the Dandenong Park area as an integral part of the Revitalising Central Dandenong project being undertaken by VicUrban and the City of Greater Dandenong. This Master Plan develops a vision for the Dandenong Park Leisure Precinct that responds to the developing urban condition and density of Dandenong’s town centre and to also consolidate all previous investigations that have been conducted on the park precinct. The Master Plan aims to define how the Dandenong Park Regional Leisure Precinct can realise its potential to be a multi-purpose open space area that enables a broad range of passive and active recreational pursuits, is fully integrated with the Dandenong Central Activity District (CAD) and surrounding residential areas, and is well used by the diverse community of the City of Greater Dandenong. Dandenong is recognised as one of the principal Transit Cities in Melbourne. As part of the Transit City Study (jointly funded by the Department of Sustainability and Environment and City of Greater Dandenong) the use of Dandenong Park and its environs as a significant hub and link was specifically recognised as a key project. The green space that surrounds Dandenong is, and will increasingly become, important to the future lifestyle of people locally and in the south eastern region of Melbourne. There is significant potential to redevelop Dandenong Park, and its associated parklands, into a showpiece of quality, innovative and practical design. Perception of a place matters. The design and quality of public open space, particularly in a key commercial centre such as Dandenong, is critically important to contributing to a persons perception of a place. The redevelopment of Dandenong Park can play a key role in the revitalisation of Dandenong into more desirable place to live, work and visit.