Darebein Playspace Strategy 2010-2020

The value of rich play opportunities to the acquisition of skills, knowledge and self-awareness are immeasurable. Playspaces provide the opportunity for structured and unstructured play and are integral elements to public spaces, places where neighbours interact, places where children often are first allowed to venture out on their own. These spaces are neighbourhood spaces, community spaces. Contemporary issues such as busy life styles and increasing pressure upon public open space through increasing urban density, means Local Government has an important role to play in the provision of play opportunities for children and youth. The Darebin Playspace Strategy 2010 discusses different types of play and puts forward a balanced, equitable model for playspace planning in Darebin for the next ten years. providing quality opportunities for play and a sense of freedom in play within easy access of local homes. ‘Quality opportunity’ meaning a diverse range of play experiences that cross over the 4 types of play, Physical, Cognitive, Creative & Imaginative/Social. Council’s previous Playground Strategy 1998 guided the planning and design of playgrounds and shaped the capital works program by prioritising upgrades or improvements to playspaces. The previous strategy achieved many of it’s priorities and after 11 years, was ready for review. The development of the Playspace Strategy 2010 included a review of the previous Playground Strategy, a playspace audit, the production of a Position Paper and a Literature Review and was developed in consultation with the community and stakeholders. The Playspace Strategy 2010 guides the planning and design of the municipality’s 120 playspaces in public parks, children’s services centres and neighbourhood houses.