Designing environmentally green fields of play (Note: this video will take a short time to load)

While most Fields of Play are green in appearance, typically that is the closest they get to being environmentally ‘green’. Fields of Play are generally constructed from virgin materials that are imported over long distances, even from interstate in some cases. Outdated and poor design practices further impact the environment by increasing the unnecessary embodied carbon content in a facility.
However there are improved design practices and products which are being implemented for new Field of Play facilities, so come and learn how you can make your Field of Play “greener”.



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Jarrod Hill, Managing Director, SPORTENG; Dr Marke Jennings-Temple, Principal, SPORTENG and Tim Jarvis, Environmental Scientist, author and adventurer


Hill, Jarrod (Author); Jennings-Temple, Marke (Author); Jarvis, Tim (Author)


Parks & Leisure Australia – (VICTAS)