Development and Funding of Community Pavilions – Sport and Recreation Policy

This policy provides a framework on a range of aspects related to sports and recreation pavilions. The framework includes the allocation of capital works funding by Council for sporting pavilion development and redevelopment and capital investment in sporting pavilions by community sporting clubs, community groups and organisations. This policy
sets out Council’s and sporting clubs’ roles and responsibilities as well as the guidelines and procedures to enable officers, sporting clubs, community groups and organisations to plan for the future and address the ongoing community needs in the provision of sporting pavilions. The policy sets out a number of standards for pavilions. These standards are in response to the growing and changing needs of the various sports undertaken in Boroondara that utilise a pavilion. Sporting pavilions are also becoming increasingly used for non-sporting activities through casual hire by community groups. Sport and recreation pavilions are generally available for community use when not used by sport and recreation clubs, usually during the day. Consideration needs to be given to pavilion components which cater for sport and recreation clubs primarily, but also other users of the facility. The standards are categorised by sport and have been developed through benchmarking with neighbouring municipalities and the consideration of State Sporting Association guidelines. Community outcomes from the implementation of the standards include additional space for community groups and effective use of Council assets. The policy also sets out the approach to develop a prioritised listing of renewal needs for all Council sport and recreation pavilions by developing a score for each pavilion. The
score provides Council with a list of the pavilions that most require renewal or upgrade based on need as well as condition. T