Docklands waterways strategic plan

This Docklands Waterways Strategic Plan aims to ensure that those benefits are fully realised. The Plan has been prepared through a process including: ^aEURc Participation in the project by the three key public agencies responsible for managing the Docklands waterways – VicUrban, Parks Victoria and the City of Melbourne – to ensure a coordinated approach in formulating the plan as well as in its implementation ^aEURc Community and stakeholder consultation to ensure the views of all parties were considered and a shared understanding of needs has been determined ^aEURc Assessment of current demands for facilities, research into design and planning standards, and a review of industry trends to ensure that planning is responsive and forward-looking This Plan also entails a review of, and supersedes, the 2001 Docklands Water Plan and Melbourne Docklands Active Boating Draft Strategy 2005. The full Consultant’s Report (by Stratcorp Consulting, 2009), which provides detailed documentation of this process and its findings is available on request. This document, the Strategic Plan itself, sets out the vision, aims and recommendations based on that study with a brief summary of major issues and opportunities.