Elizabeth Regional Centre Sports Precinct – City of Playford, SA

The City of Playford commissioned the development of the Elizabeth Regional Sports Precinct Master Plan in 2012 to confirm there is justification for a regional sports precinct in the City and to guide the future development and management of the sports precinct.
Previous planning for a regional sports precinct had been undertaken and the principle of developing a sports precinct near the Elizabeth Centre was already supported by Council. However, Council required a clear direction on what the sports precinct should incorporate, where it should be located and how it should be managed. In addition, Council required a Master Plan that was soundly based and sufficiently detailed to apply for grant funding through the State and Federal Governments.
Overall, the purpose of the Master Plan project has been to develop a soundly based and realistic master plan that will assist Council to achieve a regional sports precinct that will benefit the community for generations to come. The Master Plan project is consistent with and driven by the Playford Community Vision 2043.
A Regional Sports Precinct is a large sports complex that includes diverse sport and recreation components that individually or collectively provide a destination for sport and have the potential to draw people from across the region. The facilities within the sports precinct are generally high quality and have a strong focus on sports development and achievement. Such a Precinct connects facilities, sports and activities and raises the profile and potential quality of the facilities and spaces. A Regional Sports Precinct enables an integrated and coordinated approach to the delivery and management of sport and recreation.
Through the Master Plan project it has been determined that a regional sports precinct should be established in the City of Playford and a site to the south of the Elizabeth City Centre including the Aquadome, Elizabeth Oval, Ridley Reserve, Spruance Oval and school sites is the best opportunity for such a precinct. This area includes existing regional and state level facilities (The Aquadome and Elizabeth Oval), and it is a large high profile site that has the potential to cater for a number of sports and connect to other commercial and health precincts. Council has determined that the regional sports precinct should include high level facilities that cater for state and national competitions as well as community participation opportunities. In addition, there should be opportunities for community recreation to ensure surrounding residents are catered for. Overall, the sports precinct should be accessible to the community whilst also providing quality facilities that support higher levels of participation and sport and community events.
The Elizabeth Regional Sports Precinct Master Plan project has involved a detailed analysis of demand and supply, including:
– A review of previous planning and related documents:
– A detailed site analysis, including an assessment of alternative site options for a sports precinct within the City of Playford.
– An assessment of the existing and proposed provision of sports facilities in the City of Playford and in surrounding Council areas. Consultations with sporting clubs, sports associations, schools within the precinct, the Office for Recreation and Sport and DECD (Department for Education and Child Development).
– An analysis of demographics and sports participation data to consider community and sports needs and potential facility requirements
– Best practice and case study research relating to the provision and management of sports precincts.
The demand and supply analysis has highlighted that there is strong demand and justification for the provision of higher quality sports facilities within the City of Playford together with:
– Indoor community spaces that support recreation activities such as dance, yoga, martial arts, as well as community gatherings and meetings. o
– Community event spaces including for festivals, markets and community celebrations.
– Play spaces and activity opportunities such as playgrounds, exercise equipment, running track and spaces to play sport and walk casually.




Suter Planners & Connor Holmes .: 2013
