Elwood Foreshore and Recreation Reserves Management Plan

The City of Port Phillip is the delegated manager for the Foreshore Reserves under the provisions of the Crown Land Reserve Act 1978. The City continues to manage this important resource on behalf of its residents, and all Victorians. The Plan provides guidelines to implement the Foreshore and Hinterland Vegetation Management Plan. This project was conducted as a two-stage process. Stage one included the review of the 1992 Elwood Foreshore Strategic Management Plan (and other relevant literature), extensive site investigation and analysis, and preliminary consultation with City of Port Phillip staff and project stakeholders. The second stage included a community survey, the identification of key issues, preparation of an issues paper, preparation of a draft management plan for public exhibition and further community and stakeholder consultation. The review process found many of the 1992 Elwood Foreshore Strategic Management Plan recommendations still valid. However, changes and intensification of use have occurred since then. In particular, heavier use of the Foreshore Trail, changes of use to car parks, wear and tear of vegetation (eg users taking short cuts), higher participation levels in some events (eg triathlons), and new activities (eg kite surfing) have developed. Lack of direct public transport to the foreshore still remains an issue.