The environment strategy has been prepared with community input and sets a vision for the next 10 years. We want to ensure that what people love about the region remains protected and enhanced. Yarra Ranges Council recognises the role we play in maintaining our significant and
valued natural areas for the current community and for future generations. Much of the work undertaken by Council and other land owners focuses on the threats to Yarra Ranges Council’s environmental assets. These include weed invasion, declining water quality, urban development, urban stormwater, climate change and bushfire. At its heart this strategy recognises the value our community places on the environment, and it responds by setting a direction and providing a framework to support Council’s decisions. Council acknowledges the complexity of working in a
sector where we have limited direct control yet must respond to local issues and community expectations. This strategy will direct a range of work already set out in existing policies, management plans, strategies and action plans related to the environment, including our Adapting to a Changing Climate and Energy Future plan.