Environmental sustainability pack for sport and recreation organisations in Western Australia

The purpose of this document is to provide information on environmental issues currently facing sporting organisations and clubs within Western Australia and to equip them with the tools and skills necessary to reduce their environmental impact.

The intended audience for this document is made up of sporting clubs and organisations through to the owners or managers of sporting facilities and complexes. Despite this, the concepts covered and tools provided will be relevant to a broad range of organisations, and as such can still be used as a reference tool by organisations of many types and sizes, sporting or otherwise.

This document is split into three sections to assist organisations in understanding why they should address environmental sustainability, how to do so and how to find additional help.

*Part 1 provides an introduction to the environmental issues facing organisations today and explains why addressing these issues can be in their best interest.
*Part 2 introduces actions that organisations can take to reduce their environmental impact. These actions are listed by ease and cost to implement, enabling organisations to initiate quick wins and low cost improvements first before assessing and planning more costly solutions where possible.
*Part 3 provides additional tools and resources to assist organisations with implementing the actions and concepts covered in this pack, as well as how they can do more if desired.



Geographic Coverage

Western Australia


Copyright owner: State of Western Australia


Department of Sport and Recreation WA: 2012
