Foreshore Management Plan

The purpose of the Port Phillip Foreshore Management Plan (FMP) is to provide guidance for the future use, development and management of the Port Phillip foreshore. The Foreshore Plan provides a long term strategic vision and direction for the foreshore by identifying coastal values that need protecting, maintaining and enhancing, whilst responding to current and future management issues. The Plan will also help to inform Council’s future management and budgeting for the foreshore. The Foreshore Management Plan is a public document adopted by Council and approved by the Victorian Minister for Environment and Climate Change. The objectives of the Port Phillip Foreshore Management Plan are to: o Provide a long term strategic vision and direction for the foreshore. o Identify coastal values that require protection, management and enhancing. o Provide a framework for future use and development along the foreshore. o Guide future management, works programming and budgeting. o Identify current and future management issues. o Increase the community understanding and awareness of the range and complexity of coastal issues and details how Council will manage the foreshore. o Provide a defined and prioritised implementation plan that outlines responsibilities, priorities and cost estimates for future management.