Game On (Getting South Australia Moving)

The South Australian Government has invested in Game On: Getting South Australia moving Game On is a forward-looking framework that outlines a collaborative approach to ensure physical activity and play can fit seamlessly into the daily lives of South Australians. Game On also seeks to provide a shared vision and common platform for the sport and recreation sector in South Australia. Through better coordination between whole-of-government and sectors that play an enabling role in physical activity, Game On will reverse the levels of poor physical activity and increase movement opportunities across the state, leading to stronger outcomes in community wellbeing, liveability and economic productivity. Game On will:
^aEURc Be innovative and change the mindset of South Australians by investing in areas that guarantee physical activity to work around people’s lives.
^aEURc Build system resilience and capacity, connecting investment in infrastructure, high performance, and events.
^aEURc Improve the use of research and technology.
^aEURc Adapt and evolve sport and recreation programs, services, and approaches, placing additional focus on active recreation that provides everyone with an opportunity to participate.
^aEURc Develop ‘family-friendly’ fixturing across sports and alternative club structures to better harness available volunteers.
^aEURc Design and develop adequate public open spaces.
^aEURc Meet community demand to allow people increased hours to participate in activity safely.
The recommendations within Game On will contribute to getting more people active, more often by making it easier to get moving. The Game On report was finalised in mid-2020 and provides:
^aEURc an overview of how Game On was undertaken;
^aEURc a summary of the benefits, and key trends relevant to recreation, sport and physical activity;
^aEURc highlights the key issues and outcomes identified through an extensive consultation process;
^aEURc the visions and desired outcomes for each of the eight prioritised issues;
^aEURc a series of recommended actions designed for all stakeholders to apply to their own forward planning; and
^aEURc a guide for future planning and investment by all stakeholders to create the environments and opportunities for a more active SA.
^aEURc Game On will be activated across the Government of South Australia by maximising departmental synergies in alignment with the plan’s recommendations.
It is important to note that there are a number of organisations, businesses and groups that also have responsibilities in these listed areas. Partnerships between the Government and non-Government sector will ensure the Game On outcomes are met.