Greater Dandenong Dog Off-Leash Strategy

The City of Greater Dandenong first introduced dog off-leash areas in 2001. Since this time, they have proven extremely popular as they provide a great way for dogs (and their owners) to get regular exercise and socialisation. While there is demand from dog owners to expand the off-leash network, the presence of dogs off-leash can make other park users feel uncomfortable. A careful balance is therefore required between meeting the needs of dog owners and continuing to provide access to public open space for all. With this balance in mind, the dog off-leash strategy will gradually increase the number of off-leash areas from the current 15 to 21 across the municipality, improve the facilities in existing dog off-leash areas, and also expand the size of two existing dog off-leash areas. This expansion and upgrade of off-leash areas is proposed to roll out as a prioritised work program over a ten year timeframe. The funding to implement the projects is subject to the support and funding of capital works bids as part of Council’s annual budget process. The expansion of the dog off-leash network and improvements to existing off-leash areas across Greater Dandenong over a period of time will allow responsible dog owners more opportunity to safely and legally exercise their dogs and allow the community time to adjust to further off-leash facilities being present.