Green Wedge Management Plan: Issues Paper

This paper marks the start of a process to prepare a Green Wedge Management Plan for the Shire. The Plan will provide a strategic framework for action to enhance the Green Wedge. It will build on existing green wedge management procedures which include a variety of planning controls, environmental programmes, support for voluntary groups, and joint working with other agencies.

Initial consultation and research suggest that there are five key elements which need to be addressed in the Yarra Ranges Green Wedge, namely:
1) A Healthy Biodiversity
2) Landscape Protection
3) Productive Farming
4) Managing Tourism
5) Rural Living

This paper explains the thinking behind this draft vision and identifies fourteen preliminary issues for the Green Wedge. The issues have been informed particularly by the extensive research and consultation that was carried out for the review of the Local Planning Policy Framework in 2006/07. A programme of priorities for the next stage of work for the Green Wedge Management Plan is described and a form to provide feedback on the Issues Paper is available with this paper or on request.