Hobsons Bay Open Space Strategy

The Open Space Strategy is Council’s key strategic document that will guide the provision, protection, planning, design and management of open space in Hobsons Bay. The Open Space Strategy provides a framework for Council to set priorities and make decisions on the maintenance, upgrade and development of both existing and new spaces or facilities, which will cater for the current and future needs of the Hobsons Bay Community. This document incorporates an assessment of the key open spaces across the municipality. This includes (but is not limited to) sport grounds (including fields, pitches, courts and associated infrastructure), sports club pavilions, indoor stadiums, parks for family and social recreation, playgrounds, shared trails, foreshore spaces, conservation and heritage parks. The Strategy will guide the development of the 10 year capital works program and the equitable, targeted use of the Council Open Space Reserve Fund (Public Resort and Recreation Fund) to accommodate the open space requirements of new communities.