Inter-urban breaks in South-East Queensland

The presentation provides a brief history of inter-urban breaks (IUBs) in South East Queensland (SEQ), from its early beginnings in Denmark (1940s) to its subsequent application in Australia. In the 1990s the Regional Open Space System (ROSS) was developed as one of the initiatives of the SEQ 2001 regional planning project to act as an open space buffer and a visual backdrop for urban development in the south-east region. This was followed by the SEQ Regional Framework for Growth Management (RFGM). Its main stated principle highlighted that the pattern of urban development in SEQ over the next 20 years should be based on Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast and Toowoomba – separated by rural and rural residential areas with their own local urban centres and open space network. IUBs were also included as policy in the 2005-26 and 2009-2030 SEQ Regional Plans and at the first Growth Management Summit in 2009.

The Department of Local Government and Planning Project Planning framework for IUBs in SEQ project plan identified four regional IUBs: North-East Gold Coast, Moreton Bay – Sunshine Coast, Koala Coast and Flinders Karawatha Corridor, potentially another between Ipswich and Toowoomba.



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Copyright Owner: State of Queensland


Zheng, John (Author)


Queensland Department of Local Government and Planning : 2012


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