This Discussion Paper has been produced for public review in April 2003. The paper forms the basis of Recreation and Sport policy development for the South East Queensland 2021 (SEQ 2021) regional plan. The paper is one of a series of eleven Policy papers produced for SEQ 2021; and its contents and proposals should seek to assist state and local governments, and local communities to work together to achieve a sustainable future for SEQ. An important focus of the project was an existing SEQROC Issues paper prepared through consultation with a wide range of stakeholders.
There are five sections in the paper. Section 1 provides an Introduction and Background to this particular Discussion Paper that is focused on recreation and sport, and driven by the cross-Government SEQ2021 Recreation and Sport Working Group. Section 2 outlines the current position and trends for recreation and sport within a SEQ context. Five priority issues were identified by this Working Group which have been explored in this Paper. They include:
1. Diversity in recreation and sport land, infrastructure and services
2. Planning and coordination
3. Data needs
4. Interagency coordination
5. Long term viability of community recreation and sport organisations.
This Paper investigates these issues in detail, and proposes a vision and broad desired regional outcomes for Recreation and Sport in the SEQ region in terms of the regional plan in Sections 3 & 4. Finally Section 5 outlines a range of ways of achieving these desired outcomes through the use of Policy Options that have been developed in consultation with the broad range of stakeholders involved in this participatory policy development process.