Kenny Park Master Plan

In 2009 Mildura Rural City Council (MRCC) developed master plans for each of its 12 township recreation reserves. The master plans were developed to provide a framework to guide the planning and development of the reserves for 10 years. As the timeframe for each master plan was nearing its end, MRCC commenced a process to systematically review these master plans. In 2019, MRCC commenced a review of the Kenny Park Master Plan. The review has given consideration to the existing Master Plan (2009) as well as site conditions and future anticipated needs of the Reserve’s user groups. The revised five year Master Plan will provide guidance for MRCC, in their aim to enhance the Reserve and ensure its facilities continue to benefit key user groups as well as the broader local community. A strong focus of the Master Plan review was to ensure that the future direction of the Reserve was based on key elements of sustainable decision making. That is, proposed actions need to be economically viable, technically feasible, environmentally compatible and publicly acceptable.