Physical activity through participation in sport and recreation is a key contributing factor to building and maintaining positive health and wellbeing. The City of Unley recognises the importance that sport and recreation plays in our City. Active recreation and sport has significant health, social and economic benefits, and in particular reduces the risk of escalating medical conditions in both children and adults alike. Council has a key role in providing, promoting, encouraging, supporting and facilitating sport and recreation opportunities within the City that lead to positive health and wellbeing outcomes for our community. The ‘Living Active Plan’ is a new 5-year plan focused on building the capacity of our communities to lead physically active lifestyles. It is based on extensive research and engagement and provides a new direction for the City of Unley to support recreation and sport initiatives. The Plan defines Council’s role and acknowledges that there are many different ways for a diverse community to become and remain physically active. This plan aims to capitalise on existing strengths, as well as explore new opportunities. Council’s role can encompass creating opportunities for recreation and physical activity, facilitating the development of formal sports activities and extends to fostering participation in recreation and sports programs. The ‘Living Active Plan’ outlines a series of strategic directions and actions under four key themes: ^aEURc People & Participation ^aEURc Planned Places ^aEURc Partnerships ^aEURc Sustainability. The strategic directions and actions will be delivered through Council’s Annual Business Plan and Budget over the next five years. The Plan contains five guiding principles that underpin our direction and inform our priorities for sport and recreation. These are:
The purpose of the Living Active Plan 2015 – 2020 is to activate and encourage increased participation in sport and recreation by the City of Unley community. The Plan is focussed on sport and recreation activities that provide, promote and foster physical activity and social interaction, which has a direct and positive impact on the health and wellbeing of the community. The City of Unley Community Plan 2033 provides the vision, strategies and framework for the future of the City of Unley. Included within the Community Plan is the strategic objective to realise a “Healthy and Active Community” and the Living Active Plan plays a critical role in achieving this goal. Additionally, the Living Active Plan is a key instrument to deliver the actions of the ‘Living Well – Regional Health Plan for Health and Wellbeing for the Cities of Unley and Mitcham’ (2014). The Plan includes four themes, each with strategic directions and actions, and also considers current trends, challenges and opportunities to build the capacity of our community to lead a physically active and healthy lifestyle. The Plan will guide the future provision, improvement and management of sport and recreation facilities, programs and services over the next five years. This Plan outlines key directions for the provision of sport and recreation opportunities in the City. It specifically includes facilities, programs and services provided by Council, as well as by other providers, including educational institutions, the not-for-profit and private sectors. Although guided by other strategic documents, Council’s community centres and libraries have also been included in this Plan as these facilities are considered to be important venues for directly providing, hosting and/or facilitating sport and recreation programs and services for the community. The Plan will be reviewed after five years in conjunction with the City of Unley Community Plan 2033.