Living Green to 2020′ – Environmental Plan 2014-2020

‘Living Green to 2020’ is the City of Charles Sturt’s new environmental plan. It takes the place of our previous plan, ‘Towards One Planet Living: 2008–2013’. ‘Living Green to 2020’ is a strategic plan of Council, and has been put together based on community, staff and stakeholder input. It describes how Council will approach environmental issues for the coming years, in partnership with our community. The ‘Living Green to 2020 Refresh’ is the second version of the environmental plan with updates from the mid-term review which took place in 2018. Although the intention of the original Living Green document has been retained, changes include aligning the plan’s themes with the new Corporate Plan and modifying actions to reflect progress that has been made since Living Green was developed.
The plan is structured under the following 5 themes: ^aEURc Our Community ^aEURc Our Liveability ^aEURc Our Environment ^aEURc Our Economy ^aEURc Our Leadership