Melbourne 2030: Planning for Sustainable Growth

Melbourne 2030 – planning for sustainable growth is a 30-year plan to manage growth and change across metropolitan Melbourne and the surrounding region. It emphasises the city’s interdependence with regional Victoria, to provide maximum benefit to the whole State. In establishing and articulating this vision through a set of Principles and nine Key Directions, Melbourne 2030 provides a framework for governments at all levels to respond to the diverse needs of those who live and work in and near to Melbourne, and those who visit.

Melbourne 2030 focuses primarily on the metropolitan Melbourne urban area and the nearby non-urban areas. However, it also deals more broadly with the wider region where, increasingly, development is linked to and affected by metropolitan Melbourne in terms of commuting, business and recreation. Hence, Melbourne 2030 also considers the area between metropolitan Melbourne and the regional centres of Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo, and the Latrobe Valley.

The core of Melbourne 2030 is nine ‘directions’ – or desired results – whose achievement over time depends on putting into effect specific, carefully framed policies. These include:
1) A more compact city
2) Better management of metropolitan growth
3) Networks with the regional cities
4) A more prosperous city
5) A great place to be
6) A fairer city
7) A greener city
8) Better transport links
9) Better planning decisions, careful management



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Copyright Owner: State of Victoria


Victorian Department of Infrastructure: 2002


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