Open Space Strategy 2025 Background Report.

This background Report Outlines review and research findings and and considers the issues and opportunities for open space.
In 2006 the City of Charles Sturt developed a comprehensive Open Space Strategy that has guided open space planning and works in the City over the past 8 years. In that time Council has achieved a great deal with improvements to many parks and sportsgrounds as well as various stormwater management and environmental projects. The specific past achievements are outlined later in this report.
The Open Space Strategy 2025 will replace the 2006 Strategy and provide a direction for open space and related recreation facilities and infrastructure for the next 10 years and beyond. The Open Space Strategy 2025 responds to current issues, trends and community needs, and recommends directions, strategies and projects to guide Council with future decision making and resource allocation. The Open Space Strategy comprises of two reports including this Background Report. The Directions Report incorporates two key Appendices including an Open Space Guideline and an Open Space Matrix.
A separate Directions Report (also available on PaRC) provides objectives and strategic directions for implementation and to guide future decision making and projects.



Geographic Coverage

South Australia


A separate Directions Report (also available on PaRC) provides objectives and strategic directions for implementation and to guide future decision making and projects.


City of Charles Sturt, SA: 2015
