The Northern Grampians Shire Council area is located in Central West Victoria and incorporates the Grampians Region of provincial Victoria. The Shire covers an area of almost 6,000 square kilometres and services the major towns and villages of Stawell, St Arnaud, Great Western, Halls Gap, Navarre, Glenorchy, Marnoo and Stuart Mill. The Project aim was:To provide Northern Grampians Shire Council with an Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy that identifies priority projects for Council to support for the period 2013 to 2022, to respond to changing community needs and to increase participation in sport and recreation activities for all members of the community. Council identified four key areas of focus for future recreation provision within the Shire being: Increased participation for all, A diverse range of recreational choices, Great places for people to recreate and; To inspire people to recreate.