Parks and Leisure Australia Gender Equity Charter

The purpose of this charter is to explicitly state Parks and Leisure Australia’s (PLA) commitment to gender equity and equality. PLA recognises that diversity in governance and membership leads to strength in decision making and outcomes. It helps our organisation to grow in influence, and in turn creates more inclusive communities. The charter relates only to the activities and services provided by Parks and Leisure Australia. However, through the implementation of this charter it is hoped our members and others in our industry will become champions in their own workplaces, sports clubs, communities and families for greater gender equity. This charter ensures that Parks and Leisure Australia is a leader in our industry regarding gender equity and equality.
The Charter was developed in partnership with Australian Human Rights Commission and references the United Nations’ Declaration of Human Rights. The Charter supports PLA’s Organisation and Inclusiveness Policy and includes measurable targets so that we can track our progress in achieving and maintaining a genuinely gender equitable organisation.