Public Open Space Plan 2016-2031

Banyule is fortunate in having some of the best public open space in metropolitan Melbourne and an extensive net work of play spaces, contributing to a liveable community, with a local lifestyle, identity and environmental character appreciated by residents and Council. The challenge for Council is to maintain this level of provision in the context of rapidly increasing population density, increasing land values and tightening financial resources.
Having access to high quality public open space can be as important as provision itself. This is a fundamental pillar of the strategy, which considers
access from a number of perspectives, including the distance residents need to travel, the barriers they may need to overcome to get to public open space and whether paths of travel to parks and playgrounds, as well as those within them, are “access friendly.” The reviewing and updating of Council’s public open space strategy has been undertaken in context and the State Government’s strategy of continuing to encourage better quality and improved access to public open space in the long term. his strategy provides a framework for the planning of public open space and play spaces.