Outdoor gyms are increasingly available and have the potential to revitalize public parks and provide equitable access to physical activity opportunities. A comprehensive online search was conducted for outdoor gyms in Greater Sydney including: number, location, equipment type, installation/upgrade year, funding, consultation and promotional strategies. Proportions of outdoor gyms in suburbs identified as having greater need or impact were calculated. The search identified 209 outdoor gyms, about one third (n~Ac^AEUR^Ao/oo=~Ac^AEUR^Ao/oo77; 36.8%) located in the most disadvantaged suburbs. Where installation/upgrade year was determined, the majority (n~Ac^AEUR^Ao/oo=~Ac^AEUR^Ao/oo50; 87.7%) occurred in the past five years. There was limited community consultation (n~Ac^AEUR^Ao/oo=~Ac^AEUR^Ao/oo17; 8.1%) and promotional strategies (n~Ac^AEUR^Ao/oo=~Ac^AEUR^Ao/oo22; 10.5%). Increasing the accessibility of outdoor gyms through good design, location and promotion could be an important public health strategy to increase physical activity among at-risk populations. Further research to affirm their use, suitability and perceived social and health benefits in at-risk population groups is recommended.