Bayside City Council own, operate and maintain recreation and open space assets with a replacement value of $98.5 million that provide a range of services to the community. Council’s 2015/16 annual expenditure on recreation and open space assets is $17 million, representing 30% of Council’s total budget. Purpose of the Recreation and Open Space Asset Management Plan – The purpose is to document a robust business case for the continued investment into recreation and open space assets owned and operated by Council and the services those assets provide to the Community. In this sense, this document is a Service-Driven Asset Management Plan. This document demonstrates a commitment to liveability (creating a great place to be) through the delivery of excellent services, which are the key
result areas of the Bayside Better Place Approach and aligns with the Planning Infrastructure and Transport outcome of the Bayside Community Plan. Furthermore, the R-AMP demonstrates the commitment to Goal 7 of the 2013-2017 Council Plan of a financially responsible Council. The R&OS-AMP informs decision making through a focus on improved asset data, the testing and validation of asset management assumptions, and the prediction of long term financial renewal requirements. It also includes the drivers for upgrading existing assets and the construction of new
assets to improve the levels of service provided by Council’s infrastructure in the future. As a demonstration of Council’s long term financial sustainability, the 10-year financial requirements for the operation and maintenance, renewal and upgrading of Bayside’s existing recreation and open space infrastructure in addition to the construction of new assets are presented in this document. Asset Description – The assets covered in this R&OS-AMP include land improvements and an extensive network of recreation facilities ranging from sports grounds, parks, playgrounds and foreshore reserves to street trees and landscaping. Assets include, but are not limited to:o 18 social family recreational parks,
o 66 playground and skate parks, o 26 sportsgrounds, o 19 basketball practice courts, o 40 relaxations parks, o 39 conservation and foreshore reserves, o 8 formal gardens, o 56,534 street and park trees. Associated assets also include access infrastructure such as pathways, stairs, boardwalks and ramps; outdoor furniture including showers, seats and drinking fountains and foreshore assets comprising seawalls, boat ramps, piers and pontoons. Footbridges, carparks and buildings within parks and reserves are not considered within the scope of this document.